How to develop and maintain a respectful relationship

Developing a respectful rhythm in your relationship can be challenging sometimes ,but it is being able to express your thoughts and feelings honestly with each other without fear. Maintaining a respectful relationship is one or both individual showing mutual respects to each other. It is also indicating that you are engaging in some amount of respectful behaviors. To maintain mutual respect , Couples could:

  • Remember how your relationship got started; what were some of the things that you did in the initial stage of your relationship that works well in the area of you and your spouse feeling respected?
  • Consider what happen to allow, this statement” you are very disrespectful” if you know the answers work on changing them now!
  • Be flexible and open to change
  • You can disagree with your spouse and still be respectful
  • Stay away from the snap syndrome

A spouse once said” showing respect is complicated “  But is it?

Showing and maintaining respect is about listening to your spouse and just be kind! this may sound simple but it works like magic …..

Reflection: What are some of the things you remember about showing respect during your dating period ? Write them down and start practice them with your spouse.

Prayer: Dear Lord and Savior of mankind, here I bow before you on behalf of couples who maybe hurting at this moment, due to unkind words spoken or disrespectful behaviors’ demonstrated; I pray for reconciliation and healing for those couples. Grant hearts of forgiveness and renewal of minds so that they can be willing to renew and restore their relationships, in Christ name I pray amen.

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