The empty nester Affirmations

When children are grown and leave the home, couples are face with what is called the empty nest syndrome! This could also be a time when parents may experience the menopausal and the andropause stages where changes happens physically, sexually, emotionally and mentally. Empty nest syndrome has stages !

Anticipation: As children prepare to leave, parents may feel anxious or excited about the upcoming changes.

Grief: After the children have left, parents may grieve the loss of their role as caregivers.

Adjustment: Over time, parents begin to adjust to the new situation, finding new routines and interests.

During these moments couples can also use the time to rekindled deeper connection and deeper love with and for each other. This also is a good time when husbands call filled the empty nest stages and feelings with daily affirmations of I love you” I appreciate you, I am here for you and this should be reciprocated as well.

A useful tip is found in the Songs of Solomon 4-1 which is a type of love letter; ” How beautiful you are, my darling! oh, how beautiful ” These types of affirmations and expression can filled the space in the empty nester lives. Developing the art of daily affirmation can be helpful for couples during the

Blessed love!

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