Boundaries in Marriage

Boundaries in Marriage is not about fixing, or changing your mate. It is more about that line which partners set to protect their marriage. Having boundaries in place helps you know when to accept or when to tolerate and when enough is enough.

Emotional boundaries, starts with love which is the foundation of a marriage even during tough times.

 Be honest with each other helps to develop and sustain mutual trust and respect in the relationship.  

Being faithful, faithfulness protects the marriage from external interference and assure your spouse about each other’s love.   

Self-regulation is to control your emotions to situations even when there is a disagreement.  

Physical Boundaries

No physical abuse: This boundary should not be crossed at no time. For example hitting, pushing, or slapping each other should never be tolerated.

Do not be rude or disrespectful:  It’s quite likely for couples to disagree sometimes. But, the key is to agree to disagree and to talk about the problem with a calm and composed attitude. No matter how difficult things get, never speak rudely to each other.

Set clear boundaries to keep this smile in your relationship.

Stick to your boundaries: After you define your marital boundaries, couples need to stick to them to make those boundaries work.

Boundaries are the foundation of healthy relationship which can safeguard your marriage from intruders.

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