Be aware of offensive statements’

Offensive statements can be detrimental to your relationship growth and resort to constant conflicts. It is ironic how in the initial stages of a relationship, couples normally watch the way they talk with their partners but unfortunately as couples spend more time with each other and the years goes by, they tend to forget that hurtful words can destroy the very foundation of a good relationship.

The terms below are examples of what offensive behaviors’ look like:

  1. Humiliations – This is where a spouse use words to shame each other.
  2. Verbal or on-verbal aggression- This is when a spouse speak to each other in a mean way with some amount of hostility.
  3. Ill-conceived humor – This is when an individual make malicious fun of their spouse .
  4. Discouragements- This is when a spouse constantly use words or statements that lack a sense of hope to their partner.    
  5. Relationship Denigration- This is when a spouse behave in a way that does not show that the relationship is valuable or worthwhile anymore.
  6. Invalidations- This can be minimizing your spouse conversation or calling most conversation stupid .

Reflection: How do you feel when words hurts?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for every couple who maybe going through moments where words are use to hurt each other . May you grant wisdom and knowledge to each one so that they will be guided as to how to treat each other, for this I pray in Jesus name amen.

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